About me

My name is B K (short for Bhupender Kumar), and I want to work with you through your fitness journey. Although I work as an engineer with a Fintech in Tallinn, I'm a certified macebell instructor as well. I specialise in helping my clients restore their functional strength and mobility especially the wrists, shoulders, elbows, back and neck.

Benefits of Macebell Training:

Grip strength and endurance

Shoulder strength and mobility

Force producing/Force resisting

Rotational, total body strength

Reactive core stability

Cardio-strength training

Hand-eye coordination

motor control, balance, proprioception

Less linear (breaks out of the sagittal plane)

High torque, asymmetric loading

Exercise variations

Portable piece of equipment

Learning new physical skills

Fun and challenging!!


I provide custom training programs for my clients as there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to training. That’s why, if we work together, I will create a customised training regimen tailored specifically to your needs.

Let’s schedule a workout now!